Intermar Hotel Reception and Lobby

Reception and Lobby

Reception and Lobby. Warm sea breeze and unforgettable memories that come to mind when you think of a holiday await you at Intermar Hotel, one of the well established hotels in Marmaris.    [Read more…]

Dalaman International Airport
Intermar Hotel

How to come to Marmaris

How to come to Marmaris. Marmaris is a popular coastal town located in southwestern Turkey. Getting to Marmaris involves several transportation options depending on your starting location. Here’s how you can come to Marmaris:    [Read more…]

Marmaris Resort
Intermar Hotel

Marmaris Resort

Marmaris was a Carian city with history going back to the 3500 B.C. Its ancient name was Physkos of which antique ruins can be seen at Asartepe.    [Read more…]